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Balise (Controlled & Fixed)

Product Description

Balise serves as a trackside component in the train control system, installed in the middle of the track. It receives energy signals from the Balise Transmission Module (BTM) antenna and transmits telegram to the BTM by magnetic technology. HollySys LKY-hs balise products include LKY-hs switchable balise and LKY-hs unswitchable balise. The switchable balise receives real-time telegram from the lineside electronic unit (LEU) and conveys it to the on-board equipment. In case of a communication failure with the LEU, it transmits internally stored default telegram to the on-board equipment. On the other hand, the unswitchable balise is limited to transmitting fixed telegram stored internally to the on-board equipment.



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    • SIL4 certified

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    • Comply with ERTMS/ETCS Subset-036/Subset-085

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    • IP68

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    • Low power consumption and short response time
