Project Information
End UserCNOOC Tianjin Branch
LocationShandong, China
Scope of SupplyDCS, ESD, FGS
The Kenli 6-1 Oilfield is the first major oilfield with over 100 million tons production capability in the northern Laizhou Bay region of China's Bohai Sea. Featuring large reserves, high-quality oil, and high test productivity, with an oil-bearing area of over 100 square kilometers. The project includes over 17,000 physical I/O points, comprising one central platform and seven unmanned platforms. The engineering network architecture of offshore platforms is complex, involving unmanned control, typhoon mode, satellite remote control, and intelligent requirements.
HollySys offered an integrated offshore oil and gas solution, including a Distributed Control System (DCS), an Emergency Shutdown System (ESD), and a Fire & Gas System (FGS).
HollySys continuously improved product applicability based on client needs to meet technical specifications, helping the client enhance production efficiency and ensure the safe and stable operation of the system.